Effect of salting methods in manufacturing "Brie" like cheese from buffaloes , , cows , and concentrated milk by ultrafiltration were investigated. "Brie" like cheeses were manufactured from buffaloes , milk and UF buffaloes and cows , milk, while control was made from cows , milk by traditional method. All cheeses were ripened for 28 days at 10C° and 90% relative humidity. Cheese samples were analyzed fresh and weakly for chemical and microbiological analysis, texture profile and organoleptic properties. The results showed that the moisture contents of fresh UF "Brie" like cheese was higher than those of control "Brie" like cheese. On the other hand, protein/ DM and fat/DM content of UF "Brie" like cheese were higher than those of control cheese. pH increased faster in the control "Brie" like cheese and dry or brine salted "Brie" like cheese than UF "Brie" like cheese which showed high ripening indices. On the other hand, cheese made by dry salting had soluble nitrogen, non protein nitrogen, amino acid nitrogen (as percentage of total nitrogen), soluble tyrosine, soluble tryptophan, total volatile fatty acids and total carbonyl compounds ratios higher than those of brine salted cheese. Buffaloes , milk cheese showed the highest hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness value than those of cows , milk cheeses, UF "Brie" like cheese and brine salted showed the lowest texture profile analysis than those of control "Brie" like cheese. UF (cows , and buffaloes) "Brie" like cheese was lower in microbial (total bacterial counts, proteolytic bacterial counts, lipolytic bacterial counts and yeast & mould counts counts) than those of control "Brie" like cheese. Also, cheese made by brine salted had total bacterial counts, proteolytic bacterial counts, lipolytic bacterial counts and mould & yeast counts higher than those of dry salted. Concerning body & texture it was noticed that UF buffaloes , milk cheese (brine salted) showed firm body and firmer texture and typical "Brie" like cheese made from cows , milk by the dry salting methods.