Introducti on: The kidney system is responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis and in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease the kidney functions changes, contributing for the development of various complications that will have adverse effects in tolerance to the physical exercise and in Quality of Life of this patients. Objective : To evaluate the Effects of non-invasive ventilatory support in tolerance to the patients' physical exercise in dialysis. Methods: Th e patient s performed two 6-minute walk tests, following an adapted protocol for treadmill, one of them without the use of non-invasive ventilatory support and the other with non-invasive ventilatory support during the walk. Besides, th e patients answered a questionnaire of quality of life and the KDQOL-SF TM speci ic for the population under study. Results: It was noti ced that there was not statistical difference in the distance recorded during the 6-minute walk tests. Regarding t he quality of life, the greater impact of the disease was in relation to "Professional Activity". Conclusion: In conclusion , a non-invasive ventilatory support did not cause signi icant effects in tolerance to the exercise of this population. However, we should take into consideration the limitations suffered during the research development.