The Vertical Atmospheric Sounding Suits (VASS) onboard FY-3C satellite includes The Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (IRAS), Microwave Temperature Sounder (MWTS) and Microwave Temperature and moisture sounder (MWTHS-II). The IRAS is similar to that onboard FY-3A/B, while the MWTS-II/MWTHS-II is more sophisticated than their precursors. MWTS has 13 channels mainly at the window region and 57 O2 absorption band, and MWTHS has 15 channels mainly at the 118 O2 absorption band and the 183 H2O absorption band. A package has been developed to retrieve the atmospheric temperature profile, moisture profile, atmospheric total ozone, and other parameters in both clear and cloudy atmospheres from the VASS measurements, which is remap to IRAS Field of view. The algorithm that retrieves these parameters contains four steps: 1) cloud and precipitation detection, 2) bias adjustment for VASS measurements, 3) regression retrieval processes, and 4) a nonlinear iterative physical retrieval. The package does not process precipitation FOV, and for non-precipitation cloud FOV, the measurements from middle to low channels of IRAS are excluded. Till now all instruments are under orbit examination stage, and the primary results show that temperature soundings can be produced under partial cloud cover with RMS errors on the order of, or better than, 2.0 K in 1-km-thick layers from the surface to 700 mb, 1-km layers from 700-300 mb, 3-km layers from 300-30 mb, and 5-km layers from 30-1 mb; and moisture profiles can be obtained with an accuracy better than 20% absolute errors in 2-km layers from the surface to nearly 300 mb.