The human liver is a complex tissue consisting of epithelial, endothelial, hematopoietic, and mesenchymal elements that probably derive from multiple lineage-committed progenitors, but no comprehensive study aimed at identifying and characterizing intrahepatic precursors has yet been published. Cell suspensions for this study were obtained by enzymatic digestion of liver specimens taken from 20 patients with chronic liver disease and 13 multiorgan donors. Stem and progenitor cells were first isolated, amplified, and characterized ex vivo according to previously validated methods, and then optimized flow cytometry was used to assess their relative frequencies and characterize their immunophenotypes in the clinical specimens. Stem and progenitor cells committed to hematopoietic, endothelial, epithelial, and mesenchymal lineages were clearly identifiable in livers from both healthy and diseased subjects. Within the mononuclear liver cell compartment, epithelial progenitors [epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) 1 / CD49f 1 /CD29 1 /CD45 2 ] accounted for 2.7-3.5% whereas hematopoietic (CD34 1 / CD45 1 ), endothelial [vascular endothelial growth factor-2 (KDR) 1 /CD146 1 /CD45 2 ], and mesenchymal [CD73 1 /CD105 1 /CD90 (Thy-1) 1 /CD45 2 ] stem cells and progenitors accounted for smaller fractions (0.02-0.6%). The patients' livers had higher percentages of hematopoietic and endothelial precursors than those of the donors. In conclusion, we identified and characterized precursors committed to four different lineages in adult human liver. We also optimized a flow cytometry approach that will be useful in exploring the contribution of these cells to the pathogenesis of liver disease. '
International Society for Advancement of CytometryKey terms stem and progenitor cells; human liver; flow cytometry ADULT human liver is a complex tissue consisting of epithelial, endothelial, hematopoietic, and mesenchymal elements. This supports the view that the intrahepatic stem and progenitor cell compartment probably consists of a heterogeneous pool with various molecular and functional markers. Studies characterizing hepatic stem cells and progenitors have so far mainly concentrated on the epithelial compartment, and generally used human fetal or rodent liver (1,2); only a few have identified and characterized the hematopoietic (3,4), endothelial (5), and mesenchymal lineages (6), although it is well known that their progenies are deeply involved in the pathogenesis of liver disease (7).Despite recent growth of interest in liver stem and progenitor cell research and great expectations concerning the potential of these cells in the field of regenerative medicine (8), we are unaware of comprehensive studies of the entire stem/progenitor cell pool. This could be due to the rare occurrence of these cells in liver tissue, and the possible overlap in the immunological profiles of the cells committed to different lineages (9-11), thus making their identification difficult.