Backscattering communications have been recently proposed as an effective enabling technology for massive Internet of Things (IoT) development. A novel application of backscattering, called ambient backscattering (AmBC), has been gaining much attention, wherein backscattering communications exploit existing RF signals without the need for a dedicated transmitter. In such a system, data demodulation process is strongly complicated by the random nature of the illuminating signal, as well as by the presence of the direct-link interference (DLI) from the legacy system. To overcome these shortcomings, one can resort to noncoherent detection strategies, aimed at reducing or even nullifying the amount of a priori information needed to reliably perform signal demodulation. In this paper, we investigate noncoherent detection strategies for backscatter communications over ambient OFDM signals and solve the noncoherent maximumlikelihood (ML) detection problem for a general Q-ary signal constellation. Additionally, we derive a suboptimal detector, which takes the form of the classical energy-detector (ED), whose performance is evaluated in closed-form. Finally, the performance of the proposed detectors is corroborated through Monte Carlo simulations.