The bioavailability and the bioreactivity of the carcinogenic heterocyclic amine [2-'4CJ2-amino-1-methyl-6phenylinidazo[4,5-blpyridine (PhIP) have been investigted d a dose a in that likluy from thehuman diet by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). [2-_4CJPhIP mus administered to mice at a dose equivalent to the consumption of two 100 g beef patties (41 ng/kg). The biological halflife of PhIP was 1 hr, with 90% ofthe dose being excreted via the urine. Peak tissue PhEP concentrations were reached within 3 hr, with the highest levels in the tissues ofthe gastrointestil tract, followed by the liver, kidney, pancreas, and thymus. Since the detection limit by AMS is dependent on the natural abundance of 14C, we have achieved further increases in sensitivity by producing mice that have 20% ofthe naturl abundance of 14C. Use of these 14C-depleted aniS all Ms rementS to be made near the natural lvel ofexore for many environmental carcinogens. PhIP-DNA adduct levels havealso been measured by 32P-postlabeling at doses of 1.0 , and 20 mg/kg. The highest adduct levels were found in the pancreas, thynms, heart, and iver and increased linearly with dose. The principal adducts are derived from guanine.