Introduction:The accessibility to healthcare services is an absolute necessity today. The purpose of this article is to create and validate an instrument for measuring healthcare service providers' perception which analyses their level of satisfaction with existing healthcare services' availability, infrastructure, burden, efficiency of the instruments, and work environment.
Method:The items were generated from a previous literature review and were also self-generated by the authors. Content and face validation were also done by a panel of experts to add/ delete/ modify items or constructs in the instrument. Statements for the constructs, i.e. Registration, Diagnosis, Emergency services, Infrastructure, and Government policies, were presented on a five-point scale.Results: The instrument's face validity and content validity met the necessary criteria. Region-specific suggestions were taken from the healthcare service providers which would be a significant factor in improving the healthcare system of the state. It was further developed and validated in the native language, Punjabi.
Conclusion:The development of this instrument is the first of its kind to the best of the authors' knowledge and it consists of all aspects contributing to the perception of the doctors and nurses about the healthcare institutions. This instrument would be helpful in determining the perception of healthcare service providers, i.e., doctors and nursing staff from different regional areas regarding the healthcare services and infrastructure availability of the health institutions.