A Geant4 simulation has been carried out in order to determine the -detection efficiency of a rare isotope beam implantation setup, for decay spectroscopy experiments, comprising a number of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSSDs) and two plastic scintillation detectors placed upstream and downstream. The absolute efficiency for the emitted -particle detection from radioactive fragments implanted in the DSSSDs using fasttiming plastic-scintillator detector, is calculated. The detection efficiency of the setup has been studied with two different distances between the Si layers and plastics. The requirement for the thickness of the Si detector layers and its implication on the -detection efficiency has been investigated for 1 mm and 300 μm thickness of Si layers. The combined efficiency of DSSSD and plastic detectors were also simulated for two different thicknesses of the DSSSD.Plastic scintillator detectors are widely used in nuclear and high 2 energy physics experiments due to their excellent time response, low 3 stopping power, relatively low cost and versatility. These detectors 4 are also commonly used in decay measurements [1-4] alongside 5 Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSSDs) [5]. The fast time re-6 sponse of plastic scintillator detectors and the good position resolution 7 of DSSSD makes them complementary in measurements where high 8 quality of both position and time response are demanded. A closely 9 packed setup comprising stacks of DSSSDs and plastic detectors are 10 chosen for the DEcay SPECtroscopy [6,7] setup, as a part of NUS-11 TAR [8,9] experiments at GSI [10] and FAIR [11,12]. A similar setup 12 was installed previously for decay spectroscopy measurements with 13 radioactive ion beams at RIKEN [13-15]. The DESPEC experiments will 14 use the active implantation detector array, AIDA [16,17] for isomer 15 decay spectroscopy measurements as well as for the spectroscopy of the 16 daughter nucleus post decay of the implanted fragments. The DESPEC 17 experiments aim at studying extremely rare isotopes produced via 18 fragmentation of heavy nuclei namely 238 U [18-20]. The background 19 radioactivity is generally orders of magnitude higher than the rate 20 of decay events from nuclei of interest. As a result, event by event