Wischgoll T, Choy JS, Kassab GS. Extraction of morphometry and branching angles of porcine coronary arterial tree from CT images. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 297: H1949 -H1955, 2009. First published September 11, 2009 doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00093.2009.-The morphometry (diameters, length, and angles) of coronary arteries is related to their function. A simple, easy, and accurate image-based method to seamlessly extract the morphometry for coronary arteries is of significant value for understanding the structure-function relation. Here, the morphometry of large (Ն1 mm in diameter) coronary arteries was extracted from computed tomography (CT) images using a recently validated segmentation algorithm. The coronary arteries of seven pigs were filled with Microfil, and the cast hearts were imaged with CT. The centerlines of the extracted vessels, the vessel radii, and the vessel lengths were identified for over 700 vessel segments. The extraction algorithm was based on a topological analysis of a vector field generated by normal vectors of the extracted vessel wall. The diameters, lengths, and angles of the right coronary artery, left anterior descending coronary artery, and left circumflex artery of all vessels Ն1 mm in diameter were tabulated for the respective orders. It was found that bifurcations at orders 9 -11 are planar (ϳ90%). The relations between volume and length and area and length were also examined and found to scale as power laws. Furthermore, the bifurcation angles follow the minimum energy hypothesis but with significant scatter. Some of the applications of the semiautomated extraction of morphometric data in applications to coronary physiology and pathophysiology are highlighted. image analysis; computed tomography; segmentation; coronary arteries THE LOCAL FLOW PATTERNS in large epicardial coronary arteries have significant clinical relevance because of their predilection to atherosclerosis in regions of bifurcations and curvature (4). A detailed understanding of local flow patterns must be based on an accurate reconstruction of the anatomy of the coronary vasculature (6, 7). Accordingly, a three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of the epicardial coronary arteries with accurate measurements of diameters, lengths, and branching angles is necessary for the accurate simulation of the local flow field. To date, we are unaware of any validated method or algorithm that addresses this need.Recent studies that segment and reconstruct the geometric structure of vascular trees from volumetric imagery focus on vessel radii but do not extract other quantitive morphological data (e.g., lengths, volumes, and angles). A study by Nordsletten et al. (17) analyzed the renal vasculature in microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) scans, confirming Murray's law, which describes the relation between the radii of parent and daughter vessels. In a related study, Lee et al. (14) segmented a coronary micro-CT scan from a rat to determine vessel radii based on a seeded active countour algorithm. The methodology was validated ...