Thermal effect is an essential factor in the durability and safety of concrete bridges. Therefore, this paper mainly studied the concrete bridge box girder temperature distribution and thermal effect under solar radiation and the thermal load. With a concrete rigid frame bridge as the engineering background, the temperature distribution of the box girder on a clear summer day was observed. Then, according to the solar physics and heat transfer theory, the different surfaces of the box girder cross-section are classified based on the heat transfer conditions, and the variation of solar radiation on different surfaces is investigated. The temperature field of the box girder is simulated by ANSYS. To obtain the extreme thermal condition, the meteorological data of the bridge site from 1990 to 2020 are collected. The data are fitted by generalized extreme value distribution to obtain the extreme temperature and average wind factors in the bridge design lifetime. Combined with the solar radiation, temperature, and wind factors, the extreme thermal condition of the concrete box girder is obtained. Lastly, the thermal effect of the box girder under the extreme condition is analyzed, and the thermal stress is compared with the allowable stress in the design code. The results show that the girder temperature difference is closely related to the solar radiation intensity and heat transfer conditions, and the solar radiation intensity is the more critical factor. The tensile stress caused by the extreme thermal load is more significant than the design strength value in the girder cross-section. The results also provide a method to obtain the extreme thermal condition and evaluate the impact of the thermal effect on concrete box girder bridges.