Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of the Hover Validation and Acoustic Baseline, Smart Twisting Active Rotor, and Active Twist Rotor blades in hover are presented. For these blades, the effect of twist in hover is examined, using the in-house simulation tools of Glasgow University. Rigid and aeroelastic methods are also compared for these rotors. In forward flight, high-twist may be associated with increased blade vibration. For the Smart Twisting Active Rotor blades, the effect of static twist and of a 2/rev harmonic active twist input are also investigated at a high advance forward ratio flight conditions. A vibration index is used to quantify the harmonic components of hub forces and moments. The hover simulations were computed on grids of 10-16m cells, coupled with structural updates. The results show the strong effect of blade twist on hover performance. The forward flight cases were computed on a 36m cell grid and using a modal aeroelastic method.