To enable the use of ICIQ‐FLUTS, ICIQ‐FLUTS‐long‐form (ICIQ‐FLUTS‐LF), ICIQ‐LUTS‐quality‐of‐life (ICIQ‐LUTSqol), and ICIQ‐FLUTS sexual functions (ICIQ‐FLUTSsex) in Turkish speaking women, questionnaires were translated into Turkish and validity, reliability, and sensitivity to change were evaluated in women suffering from urinary incontinence (UI).
Materials and Methods
Permissions were obtained from ICIQ Advisory Board, English versions of the questionnaires were initially translated into Turkish, then back‐translated into English and translations were modified according to recommendations of ICIQ Advisory Board. Pilot testing was performed in 10 women. Validity (content/face validity and discriminant validity), reliability (test‐retest reliability and internal consistency), and sensitivity to change were evaluated.
A total of 58 women with UI completed ICIQ‐FLUTS, ICIQ‐LUTSqol, and the ICIQ‐FLUTS‐LF, and 37 who were sexually active completed ICIQ‐FLUTSsex. All women completed same questionnaires 15 days later. More than 90% of women thought that the questions were clear, unequivocal, and comprehensive. Missing data were less than 1% indicating adequate content/face validity. Cronbach's α coefficients were .933 (ICIQ‐FLUTS), .979 (ICIQ‐LUTSqol), .865 (ICIQ‐FLUTS‐LF), and .863 (ICIQ‐FLUTSsex), representing adequate internal consistency. Kappa values and intraclass correlation coefficient for individual items were over 0.70, indicating adequate test‐retest reliability. A total of 52 healthy volunteers completed ICIQ‐FLUTS and ICIQ‐FLUTS‐LF, 30 completed ICIQ‐LUTSqol, and 30 sexually active healthy volunteers completed ICIQ‐FLUTSsex. All four questionnaires had good discriminant validity. Twenty‐eight women with UI were analyzed 3 months after treatment. There was significant improvement in four questionnaires in correlation with pre‐ and posttreatment bladder diary results showing good sensitivity to change.
Turkish versions of four ICIQ modules were shown valid and reliable and can be used in Turkish speaking women in the evaluation of UI.