The ability to accurately predict both static and dynamic stability characteristics of air vehicles using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods could revolutionize the air vehicle design process, especially for military air vehicles. A validated CFD capability would significantly reduce the number of ground tests required to verify vehicle concepts and, in general, could eliminate costly vehicle 'repair' campaigns required to fix performance anomalies that were not adequately predicted prior to full-scale vehicle development. This paper outlines the extended integrated experimental and numerical approach to assess the of stability and control prediction method capabilities as well as the design and estimation the control device effectiveness for highly swept low observable UCAV configurations. The aim of the AVT-201 Task Group is to provide an assessment of the CFD capabilities using model scale experiments and transferring this knowledge to real scale applications.
Nomenclature = AoA, Angle of attack [] s = Half span [m] = AoS, Angle of side slip [] x = Chord wise coordinate [m] = Flap deflection angle [] z = Vertical coordinate [m] = Pitch angle [] y = Span wise coordinate [m] = Yaw angle [] q = Dynamic pressure coefficient [c ref ) RSM = Reynolds-Stress turb. model C my = Pitch moment coefficient (MF) [-] M y /(q A s) A = Reference relation area [m 2 ] C mz = Yaw moment coefficient (MF) [-] M z /(q A s) c ref = Reference length [m] c r = Root chord [m] LOB = Left Outboard Trailing Edge Flap LE = Leading Edge LIB = Left Inboard Trailing Edge Flap SLE = Sharp Leading Edge RIB = Right Inboard Trailing Edge Flap RLE = Round Leading Edge ROB = Right Outboard Trailing Edge Flap RLE-FT = Round Leading Edge -Fixed BL = Base Line (no CS deflection) Transition CS = Control Surface CAWAPI = Cranked Arrow Wing AVT = Applied Vehicle Technology Aerodynamics Project Inter.