Objective: This study aims to describe the stages of recovery and the effect of sociodemographic and clinical factors on the recovery stages of individuals with mental illness under inpatient treatment.
Methods: 171 patients who received inpatient treatment between April 2021 and June 2021 were taken to the study. Data were collected by using the Introductory Information Form and the Stages of Recovery Instrument from participants.
Results: According to the nurse, awareness was the highest level of the recovery stages and, according to the patient, growth was the highest level of the recovery stages. The average of the subscales of stages of recovery scale was found as 12.57±7.54 for moratorium, 19.26±5.84 for awareness, 19.22±6.40 for preparation, 19.52±7.03 for rebuilding and 20.03±7.73 for growth. Social support was found effective in all stages of recovery except moratorium stage; income level was found effective in preparation, rebuilding, and growth stages; diagnosis of the illness was found effective in the awareness stage; going to the Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) was found effective in preparation stage and child presence was found effective in rebuilding stage of recovery.
Conclusion: Our findings are important for identifying the effects of situations that can be changed by intervention, such as level of social support, income level, and going to CMHC, on improvement, and for drawing attention to actions that legislators should take regarding to collaboration between mental health professionals and institutions.