A IntroductionThis is the technical appendix accompanying the paper, "Cross-Selling in a Call Center with a Heterogeneous Customer Population," [3]. The organization of this appendix is as follows: we begin in §B with the completion of the proof of Proposition 1, whose sketch was given in §A of [3]. We continue in §C with some preliminaries required for the performance analysis of (S)-(C).Specifically, we provide a sample-path construction that uses a collection of independent rate-1 Poisson processes. We also discuss some strong approximation tools. Finally, in §D we prove the main performance-analysis results which are used in the proof in §A of the main paper [3]. Some auxiliary results are proved in §E.
B A Detailed Proof of Proposition 1This section is dedicated to the completion of the proof of Proposition 1 in [3]. Following our proof sketch in §A of the main paper [3] we show that there exists δ 0 ≥ 0 such that for any sequence of initial states {ξ n } ⊆ Ξ with |ξ n | → ∞:Whenever this holds we can always find a positive number K, such that for all |ξ| > K, (20) holds.Toward that end, let V (t) = j≥1 v j (t) be the amount of residual work in the system. Also, let † Columbia Business School, 4I Uris Hall, 3022 Broadway, NY, NY 10027. (ig2126@columbia.edu)