Narrative writing learning material in the fourth grade thematic books Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia does not have appropriate writing steps. This causes the learning process to write narrative texts is not carried out properly. Therefore a solution is proposed by developing narrative writing teaching materials based on direct writing activity strategy. This type of study is Research and Development using the ADDIE model. The research data consisted of validity data, practicality data, and effectivity data. The result showed that the validity score of teaching material was 3.79 by category highly valid. The learning process of narrative writing had a score of 3.63 by category very good. The student response score for teaching material was 3.81, while the teacher's response score was 3.78. The mean of the experimental class learning outcomes was 85.27, while the mean of the control class learning outcomes was only 72.64. The statistical test proved a significant difference in the teaching material for narrative writing developed. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the teaching material for narrative writing using direct writing activity is valid, practical, and effective to use.