Objectiv e:This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the ability to maintain dynamic sitting balance (DSB), biomechanical characteristics, and physical characteristics in spinal cord injuries (SCI) patients.Background: Virtual ski training systems, ski equipment, and training protocols for disabled skiers are being studied to spread awareness. However, few studies have been reported on the sitting balance ability associated with chair mono skiing.
Method:A dynamic sitting balance border system was built to investigate the ability to maintain dynamic sitting balance in SCI patients. Trunk muscle activity was evaluated by electromyogram while conducting dynamic sitting balance tests.The trunk muscle strength was tested with a portable handheld dynamometer. Physical activity scores were measured with the physical activity recall assessment.Results: There were high levels of correlation between the ability to maintain DSB and trunk flexor strength, extensor strength, rotator strength, and physical activity score. However, height, weight, and injury level in SCI patients were not correlated with the ability to maintain DSB. Additionally, strong negative correlations were found between muscle activities of the external oblique and lumbar erector spinae muscles and the ability to perform the backward tilt test. Trunk extensor muscle activity during the ball lifting test was significantly higher than in other tests.
Conclusion:The results indicate that improving trunk muscle strength and physical activity can increase the ability to maintain DSB.
Application:The findings of a close relationship between trunk strength, physical activity, and the ability to maintain DSB need to be reflected in the chair mono ski training program.