The use of tropical grasses silage has become common in ruminant feed. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the fermentation characteristics, nutritional value, pH, fermentative capacity, ammonia nitrogen / total nitrogen (NH3N/total N) of Tifton 85 bermudagrass grass silage with different additives and wilting. The treatments were: pre-drying in the sun for two hours before silage, use of inoculant-enzymatic addition of soybean hulls, corn grits addition and use of salt in the surface layer of the silo. The experimental design was completely randomized with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Plants of Tifton 85 bermudagrass with 38 days of growth were ensiled in experimental silos with Bunsen valve type with packing densities of 236 kg of silage per m 3 for Tifton 85 bermudagrass pre-dried in the sun and 294 kg of silage per m 3 for the other treatments. The proportions of soybean hulls and corn grits added to the silage were calculated based on the initial DM content of Tifton 85 bermudagrass order to obtain MS 320 g kg -1 for the material to be ensiled. The buffering capacity did not differ between treatments in getting 29.56 (meqHCl/100gMS). It was found that the concentration of ammonia nitrogen did not differ between silages and remained low (3.22 g kg -1 ), the pH after silo opening was also similar with an average of 4.09 getting above 4.2 only in Tifton 85 bermudagrass silage without pre-treatment. The crude protein was higher in silages Tifton 85 bermudagrass and Tifton 85 bermudagrass with soybean hulls (17.48 g kg -1 ). The use corn grits caused a reduction in the values of NDF. The use of salt on the surface the layer reduced the production of latic and acetic acid.Index terms: Acid latic, corn grits, enzymatic-bacterian inoculant, ammonia nitrogen, soybean hulls.
RESUMOO uso de silagem de gramíneas tropicas tem se tornado comum na alimentação de ruminante. Conduziu-se um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar o perfil fermentativo e valor nutricional da silagem de capim Tifton 85 com diferentes aditivos e emurchecimento. Os tratamentos foram: pré-secagem ao sol por 2 horas antes de ensilar, uso de inoculante bacteriano-enzimático, adição de casca de soja, adição de quirera de milho e uso de sal grosso na camada superficial do silo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Plantas de capim Tifton 85 com 38 dias de crescimento foram ensiladas em silos experimentais com válvula tipo Bunsen com densidades de compactação de 236 kg de silagem por m 3 para o Tifton 85 pré-seco ao sol e 294 kg de silagem por m 3 para os demais tratamentos. As proporções de casca de soja e quirera de milho, adicionados à silagem, foram calculados com base no teor de MS inicial do Tifton 85 visando à obtenção de MS de 320 g kg -1 para o material a ser ensilado. A capacidade tampão não diferiu entre tratamentos ficando em 29,56 (meqHCl/100gMS). Verificou-se que os teores de nitrogênio amoniacal não diferiram entre as silagens e mantiveram-se baixos (32,2 g kg -1 ), o ...