According to the World Health Organization schizophrenia is a disabling disorder of chronic course characterized by the presence of hallucinations and delusions. Some studies suggest that the use of marijuana in people diagnosed with schizophrenia may exacerbate the positive symptoms of the disease while it acts positively on the negative symptoms. Qualitative studies have emerged in the area with the goal of understanding the meanings that people diagnosed with schizophrenia attribute to the use of the substance. These studies bring those people have a positive vision regarding the usage, that this would provide them a state of relaxation and relief of the tension, as well as reporting an increase of creativity and the use of marijuana as a way to achieve a spiritual state higher, assuming a character of "medication". In this sense, the objective of this study was to understand the meanings that people with schizophrenia attributed to marijuana use. For this reason, a qualitative study was carried out, with a methodological clinical-qualitative. The participants were selected in a public service of mental health who specializes in alcohol and drug use in the interior of São Paulo. As an instrument of data collection, we used a script of semi-structured interview. Inclusion criteria were: being in service, or be from the selected service; have a diagnosis of schizophrenia according to ICD-10; make use of marijuana or having used the year before the interview; have more than 18 years and not make use of other illicit drugs such as cocaine or crack. a total of 10 interviews were conducted. The participants were all male and had an average age of 28. Four categories were raised from the analysis of the interviews: a) Perceptions about the illness, where participants reported prejudice and stigma surrounding the diagnosis and some symptoms of schizophrenia to incapacitate the daily activities; b) Marijuana use, this started, mostly in their teens and always in the company of friends; c) Schizophrenia and cannabis, where speeches related to increased creativity, ability to organize thought, spirituality experiences and improves the quality of sleep were present and d) Treatment, where the search for treatment always started from a family member. It is important to know the vision of these people about marijuana use to understand what supports the maintenance of this, in addition to providing new elements in building a critical look at this phenomenon.