“…After more than 35 years of development no-arbitrage remains the dominant pricing paradigm for variable annuities linked to financial assets. Other papers worth mentioning in this regard include Delbaen (1986), Bacinello & Ortu (1993, 1994, Briys & Varenne (1997), Pennachi (1999), Boyle, Kolkiewicz & Tan (2001), Jorgensen (2001Jorgensen ( , 2004, Milevsky & Posner (2001), Milevsky & Salisbury (2001, 2006, Melnikov, Volkov & Nechaev (2002), Melnikov (2003Melnikov ( , 2004c, Pelsser (2003), Tanskanen & Lukkarinen (2003), Hürlimann (2004), De Felice & Moriconi (2005, Siu (2005), Biffis & Millosovich (2006), Milevsky, Moore & Young (2006), Chu & Kwok (2006, Bauer, Kling & Russ (2007) and Kling, Richter & Russ (2007) for European style payoffs; and Grosen & Jorgensen (1997, Bacinello (2001Bacinello ( , 2005, Ballotta, Haberman & Wang (2003), Vannucci (2003), Ballotta (2004) and Costabile, Massabo & Russo (2007) for Americantype contracts. The effect of stochastic interest rates on the risk neutral value of a guarantee has been discussed, for instance, in Bacinello & Ortu (1993, Aase & Persson (1994), Albizzati & Geman (1994), Nielsen & Sandmann, (1995,…”