Health-care costs are a major inancial burden for the transition economies, which have experienced rapidly increasing demand for health-care services. The former communist countries of the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia needed to reform the inancing of their health-care systems and make eforts to strengthen the role of primary care while limiting the role of hospital care. The growing health needs and, consequently, costs resulted in the increased atention paid to the performance of health systems. The aim of this chapter is to determine the eiciency of health systems in post-communist countries. The data envelopment analysis method was used. The efective health systems were identiied and recommendations for the ineicient countries were formulated.Keywords: health-care eiciency, post-communist countries, data envelopment analysis
IntroductionAt the turn of the twentieth and twenty-irst centuries, both insurance-and provision-based health systems underwent profound changes. Rising health-care costs became a current economic, social and political problem. During this period, the post-communist countries transformed their economies from command to market systems. Also, the health systems were transformed from the Semashko model to insurance model. All countries regardless of their level of economic development endeavour to improve the quality and accessibility of health services, which requires objective and reliable assessment of the functioning of their health systems. Both policymakers and society expect the best possible outputs of the health systems, due to the relatively large expenditures allocated for their functioning [1].© 2017 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The eiciency of public organizations has become an area of practical measurement and scientiic research. The evaluation of eiciency in terms of quantity should be the basic premise of making economic decisions. The more accurate it is, the more accurate and relevant are the information it provides.Assessment of health systems should be carried out in two dimensions, where the efectiveness of the system relects its success in achieving its objectives, whereas the eiciency relects the success of transformation of inputs into outcomes [2]. In this study, the later approach prevails.International comparative studies of health systems often use, among other medical resources, health-care spending measured as the share of gross domestic product (GDP) or per capita. It should be noted, however, that a constant share of health-care spending in GDP over time does not mean that spending is constant, but rather that changes in health-care spending are proportional to GDP changes [3].Controlling spending on health care and the system of its inancing is a priority aspect in designing public...