We consider the problem of learning a d-variate function f defined on the cube [−1, 1] d ⊂ R d , where the algorithm is assumed to have black box access to samples of f within this domain. Denote S r ⊂ [d] r ; r = 1, . . . , r 0 to be sets consisting of unknown r-wise interactions amongst the coordinate variables. We then focus on the setting where f has an additive structure, i.e., it can be represented aswhere each φ j ; j ∈ S r is at most r-variate for 1 ≤ r ≤ r 0 . We derive randomized algorithms that query f at carefully constructed set of points, and exactly recover each S r with high probability.In contrary to the previous work, our analysis does not rely on numerical approximation of derivatives by finite order differences.