“…Whole‐brain MRI was performed to ensure correct head positioning with acquisition of diffusion‐weighted images (DWI) with fast spin echo sequences (TR/TE=2000/80 ms, FOV=20×20 mm 2 , matrix size=128 RO×64 PE zero filled to 128×128 [b‐value 1008.7; large delta 40 ms; small delta 10 ms]; slice interval 1.0 mm, thickness 0.8 mm [slice gap 0.2 mm]; scan time: 2 minutes 18 seconds), T2‐weighted images (T2WI) with fast spin echo sequences (TR/TE=2000/80 ms, FOV=20×20 mm 2 , matrix size=128×128; slice interval 1.0 mm, thickness 0.8 mm [slice gap 0.2 mm]; scan time: 4 minutes 21 seconds) and 3‐dimentional T2*WI with gradient echo sequences (long TR/TE=20/10 ms, FA=20 degrees, FOV=20×20×20 mm 3 , matrix size=128×128×128; scan time: 5 minutes 29 seconds) . Continuous arterial spin labelling (CASL) was performed using a two‐coil system with a labelling neck coil and quadrature brain surface coil (Rapid Biomedical, Rimpar, Germany).…”