The process of globalization over the past five decades has given impetus to driven sustainability and related thinking in business. It is also observed that there are unprecedented trends in corporate strategy towards sustainable thinking -the emergence of sustainability as corporate strategy and the concern of business for ecology and society. This forces companies to rethink their standard business models and increase their interest in innovating products and services based on the challenges of global sustainable development. The pressure from external stakeholders, mainly non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as drivers of change may also contribute strongly to this endeavour. This substantial change pressure clearly reflects companies' recognition of the mounting pressures for social responsibility and governance. The overall aim of this thesis is to describe and understand how social responsibility and value-creation of customers' influence the overall service quality of companies in developing a sustainable service business.The theoretical and conceptual frame of reference finds its stimulation from the research in sustainable development -corporate social responsibility, service research and quality management. In this way it attempts to bridge the gap between business and social responsibility. Theoretically and conceptually, the thesis amalgamates sustainability thinking and the service logic. Here, value creation and co-creation of Service Dominant Logic (S-D logic) approach expands to integrate the values based approach of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in management thinking and have created the prevailing business practices and service quality (SQ) improvement. This thesis is a compilation of five different papers that follow an interpretative case study approach. The empirical study developed from the cases of multinational companies, small and medium enterprises, smallholders and NGOs.