Cover illustration Portion of one of the Geological Survey of Canada's finer resolution bedrock maps for southern Baffin Island (Nunavut, Canada). The map published at 1:100 000 scale documents the distribution of principal tectonostratigraphic units of the Lake Harbour Group: psammite and pelite (PLHp map unit) in yellow, marble (PLHc map unit) in blue, gabbro (PLHm map unit) in dark green, diorite (PLHd map unit) in pale green, peridotite (PLHu map unit) in purple, and leucogranite (PLHw map unit) in reddish brown. The stratigraphic basement (PRm map unit) to the Lake Harbour Group is shown in pink. Two generations of thrust faults (open and closed teeth on hanging wall of individual faults), post-thrusting folds (F 3 fold axes), and structural point data (strike and dip of planar fabric; trend and plunge of linear fabric) are also shown.