Acquired heart disease – the concept of “acquired heart disease” includes a variety of pathological conditions acquired during the life of the patient. The lion’s share of these diseases are acquired heart defects. The significance of this problem is special for our region, since the incidence of rheumatic diseases and its complications in our Republic is still significant. However, in recent decades, statistical data on acquired defects, especially on aortic heart defects, have changed markedly. Thus, the prevalence of aortic heart disease among the elderly and senile is about 10.7%, significantly increasing for sclerotic lesions of the aortic valve – up to 25–48%. According to Euro Heart Survey on valvular heart disease, damage to the aortic valve was detected in 44.3% of patients with valvular heart disease (33.9% – aortic stenosis, 10.4% – aortic valve insufficiency. At the same time, aortic stenosis in 81.9% and insufficiency – in 50 .3% of patients were of degenerative origin. According to the statistics of our Republic, more than 400 patients with rheumatism per 100 thousand of the population are detected per year, of which, after an appropriate examination, in terms of the population of our Republic, more than 16,000 require surgical correction of acquired heart disease, which confirms the importance of discussing the problem for our healthcare.