OCH waves are electromagnetic emissions with discrete spectral peaks at or near the harmonics of the oxygen ion cyclotron frequency. These waves were observed by the Akebono satellite inside the plasmasphere (L = 1.5-2.5) (H. Liu et al., 1994), by Van Allen Probes outside the plasmasphere (Usanova et al., 2016;Yu et al., 2017), and by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission inside the plasma sheet boundary layer (Usanova et al., 2018). A statistical study based on Van Allen Probes showed that OCH waves occur over a wide L range (2 < L < 6) and across all magnetic local times, and more than 50% of the events are observed just outside the plasmapause (Wang et al., 2022). They occur near the magnetic equator during geomagnetic storms with oblique wave normal angles (WNAs) (H. Liu et al., 1994;Yu et al., 2017).For those oblique OCH waves, Pokhotelov et al. (1997) used an analytical model to explain that the free energy can be provided by the loss cone or ring-like distributions of hot oxygen ions, which provide a positive slope along the perpendicular direction in the oxygen ion phase space density (∂f/∂v ⊥ > 0) to excite oxygen ion Bernstein mode (OIBM) waves, and such distributions occur during geomagnetically active times (Kronberg et al., 2012). During the OCH wave events in Usanova et al. ( 2016), ring-like distributions of oxygen ions were observed simultaneously. Thus, by using the particle data of Van Allen Probes, Min et al. ( 2017) performed a linear instability analysis of the harmonic waves reported by Usanova et al. (2016) and showed that the oxygen ion Bernstein waves could explain the spectral characteristics of the wave activity near the harmonics of the oxygen ion cyclotron frequency. However, the WNAs of those oxygen ion Bernstein waves are close to 90°, contradicting the quasi-parallel propagation reported by Usanova et al. (2016Usanova et al. ( , 2018. Min et al. ( 2017) explained the quasi-parallel