Expressions like women are the "the mother of evil" (source of evil), that stealthiness is an innate born feature of women, and that men on the other hand have had to learn it much afterwards were taken word by word from Walter Rüben's"Ozean der Märchenströme. I. Die 25 Erzählungen des Dämons. (Vetalapancavimsati.) Mit einem Anhang über die 12 Erzählungen des Dede Korkut. 287 pp. 1944. FFC 133, beginning on thepage 183 "B) Über die Städter und die bürgerliche Moral der Hindu."Great effort has been spent during the translation of the due manuscript to avoid any kind of additions. Four works have been taken into consideration in the due manuscript. They are Vetālapañcaviṃśati,Vikrama-carita, ŚukasaptatiandPañcatantra. Rüben here had put forward the commercial life and besides this mentioned about the socio-cultural structure of women. This socio-cultural structure had of course been delivered by a point of view of a German. As a matter of fact persons working upon this subject, having a good deal of knowledge on it most certainly may wish to make some comments on the due subject.