Electronic cigarettes, or vape pens, have gained popularity among young people due to their attractive appearance, but they also have numerous side effects. These devices come in various shapes, sizes, and costs, with many brands and various flavors to choose from. As of now, there are around 2,807 people hospitalized in the United States due to vaping. Electronic cigarettes are illegal in many countries, with laws varying from country to country. The health service has been criticized for the implementation of the ban, with states implementing month-long drives and submitting reports. The Indian Police have also conducted raids and arrested five individuals under the 2019 ban on Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Trade, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage, and Advertisement) Act. The history of vapes can be traced back to the invention of the first electric vaporizer in 1927 by Joseph Robinson. Other pioneers like Herbert Gilbert and Jed Rose developed nicotine fixes using refined smoke. The vape was made in 2003 by Chinese smoker Hon Lik, who created the device as a better option to traditional smoking.