The dynamics and heat and mass exchange of a vapor bubble containing a heated particle is studied in relation to the problem of vapor explosions. It is shown that the process involves two stages: dynamic stage and thermal stage. The dynamic stage is characterized by pressure fluctuations and a rapid increase in the thickness of the vapor layer. It is shown that the simplifying assumptions of the constancy of assumptions of constant heat conductivity of the vapor and linear temperature profile in the vapor layer lead to qualitatively incorrect results.The problem of the dynamics of a single vapor bubble containing a heated particle is considered in a spherically symmetric formulation in relation to the problem of vapor explosions [1,2].A practical application of the problem considered is the analysis of the possible power plant accidents resulting in the entry of hot nuclear fuel particles into cold water in the nuclear reactor cooling system. This leads to the explosive boiling of the liquid around the particles and a sharp pressure rise in the system. An attempt to determine the magnitude of the acoustic impulse in the case of film boiling on spherical particles was undertaken in [3]. That paper, however, contains a number of inaccuracies. The dynamics of the radial motion of the vapor shell around a heated particle subjected to a shock wave was studied numerically in [4]. The effects exerted on the shell by the shock-wave pressure gradient and the ratio of the initial thickness of the vapor shell to the particle radius. This was done using a generalization of the model of vapor bubble dynamics proposed in [5]. A review of papers on bubble dynamics is given in [6,7].Formulation of the Problem. Basic Equations. A hot particle or drop (molten metal, etc.) enters a cold liquid (water). It is assumed that the particle temperature far exceeds the boiling temperature of the liquid. We will investigate this problem using a spherically symmetrical model. In the given formulation, the equations of continuity, heat influx, and state for the vapor are written as [5]where c g , λ g , R g , and w g are the specific heat at constant pressure, the heat conductivity, the gas constant, and the vapor velocity, d = const is the particle radius, a(t) is the outer radius of the vapor layer, ρ is the density, ρ 0 is the true density, p is the pressure, T is the temperature, r is the radial Euler coordinate, and t is time. It is assumed that in contrast to the vapor temperature and density, the vapor pressure is uniform, which is valid for a wide class of problems in which the gas velocity is much lower than the sound velocity in the gas [5,8].