The parameter Z,, advanced by Spencer and Danner for the calculation of saturated-llquld densltles through the relatlonshlp p = ~P,/(RT~R*l+(l-TnP"), has been found to vary wHh temperature over the complete range between the trlple polnt and the crltlcal polnt. Thls dependence has been accounted for by replacing Z,. by the temperature-dependent function a + p(1 -TR), where a and p are constants unique to a substance. Data for 62 substances have been used to develop reiatlonships for cy and p which predlct saturated-liquid dermltles for quantum, nonpolar, polar, and assoclated polar llqulds with an overall average devlatlon of 1.32% (4942 polnts). Nlne additlonal polar and nonpolar compounds were employed to test the relablUty of thls method. When applied at the crltlcal point, thls development deflnes the crltlcal volume as Y, = aRT,/P,. Calculated crltlcal volumes ylelded an average devlatlon of 2.14% (68 substances), when compared to actual values available In the Ilterature.The prediction of densities for the saturated-liquid state continues to play an important role in the calculation of thermodynamic properties. Watson (1) in 1943 was the first to attempt a generalization of the density behavior for the liquid state by introducing the w factor through the relationshipwhere w = P,/(Z/?T,).For this development, Watson utilizes the PVT behavior of isopentane and presents a graphical relationship for this factor against T, for different parameters of P, . Unfortunately, this factor is not a truly generalized function of P , and T, since it can vary by as much as 20% between different compounds existing at identical reduced conditions. In order to predict density more accurately, Watson suggests the use of a single actual density p1 so that the ratioapplies. I n eq 2, the factor w1 corresponds to the pressure and temperature conditions associated with pl. In 1954, R i i l ( 2 ) considered only the saturated-liquid state and proposed the generalized relationshipwhere pR is the reduced density and the Riedel factor cy, = (d In P,/d In TR)TR=l.oo. Replacement of a, through the relationship w = 0.2O3(ac -7.90) + 0.242, given by Sherwood and Reid (3), transforms eq 3 to the expression pR = 1 + 0.85(1 -T,) + (1.6916 + 0.9846~)(1 -r,)lI3 (4) where the acentric factor w = -log PRITR=0.700 -1.000. Riedel's method expressed through eq 3 and 4 is claimed to predict reliable density values for both nonpolar and polar substances, but fails to accommodate polar associating liquids. To extend the method of Riedel to include polar associating liquids, Joffe and Zudkevitch (4) replace the factor w in eq 4 with the tem-0021-956818511730-0102$01.50/0 METHANE M.16.043 T,=190.555 K P,=45.36atm + Jenien and Kurata (141 1 API Prolect 44 191 4 Bloomer and Parent (101 a McClune (15) Cardom (Ill * Pan, Mady and Miller (I61 0 Goodwin and Rydr (12) 0 Rodosevich and Miller (17) 0 Terry,Lynch, Bunclark. Monsell and Slaveley (18) 0,301 + Hoyner and H m (13) peraturedependent function, $, to express reduced density as follows: p, = 1 + 0.85(1 -...