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AbstractThe dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene is a highly important industrial reaction and the focus of significant research in order to optimise the selectivity to styrene and minimise catalyst deactivation. The reaction itself is a complex network of parallel and consecutive processes including cracking, steam-reforming and reverse water-gas shift (RWGS) in addition to dehydrogenation. The goal of this investigation is to decouple the major processes occurring and analyse how side-reactions affect both the equilibrium of ethylbenzene dehydrogenation and the surface chemistry of steam reforming activity over the reduced catalyst; and reverse water-gas shift reaction. Each of these processes plays a critical role in the observed catalytic activity.Notably, the presence of CO 2 evolved from the reduction of chromium by ethylbenzene and from the gasification of the deposited oxygen-functionalised coke results in the dehydrogenation reaction becoming partially oxidative, i.e. selectivity to styrene is enhanced by coupling of ethylbenzene dehydrogenation with the reverse water-gas shift reaction. Ethylbenzene cracking, coke gasification, steam-reforming and reverse water-gas-shift determine the relative quantities of CO 2 , CO, H 2 and H 2 O and hence affect the coupling of the reactions. Coke deposition during the cracking period lowers the catalyst acidity and may contribute to chromium reduction, hence diminishing the competition between acid and metal sites and favouring dehydrogenation activity.