MASTENBROEK, I., and J . M. J . DE WET. 1983. Chromosome C-banding of Zecl mays and its closest relatives. Can. J . . An established C-banding technique was modified to consistently yield complete sets of distinct, sharply banded chromosomes in Zea. It was used to demonstrate similarities and differences among heterochromatin patterns of different Zea taxa. The C-banding patterns showed a general agreement with heterochromatic knob positions known from pachytene studies. Two groups of banding patterns could be distinguished. Those taxa with bands that were almost exclusively terminally positioned included Z . mays ssp. pnrviglumis var. huehuerennngensis, Z . diploperennis, Z . perennis, and Z . luxurians. In the last mentioned, previously unknown heterochromatic regions were found. Both terminal and subterminal band positions were found in Z . mays, Z . mays ssp. mexicana, and Z . mays ssp. parvig1umi.s var. parviglurnis. On the basis of these results, and those of other workers, the taxonomic treatments of Z . mays ssp. parviglumis var. huehuerennngensis, and of Z . diploperennis and its autotetraploid derivative Z . perennis are questioned. MASTENBROEK, I., et J. M. J. DE WET. 1983. Chromosome C-banding of Zea mc1y.s and its closest relatives. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 25: 203-209. Une technique connue d'application des bandes C etait modifie jusque c'dtait capable de produire consistant un ensemble complet et distinct des chromosomes avec des bandes nette. Elle dtait utilisk pour demonstrer des similarites et des differences parmi les arrangements de h6terochromatine des taxons differentes de Zecl. Les arrangements de band C revelaient une concordance genkrale avec les positions des blocs d'heterochromatine connu des etudes pachytenique. Deux groups d'arrangements des bandes etaient distingue. Les taxons avec bandes presque exclusivement aux positions terminales sont Z . mays ssp. parviglumis var., Z . dip1operenni.s. Z . perennis et Z . 1u.uurinns. Dans la derniere des regions d'heterochromatine etait decouvert qui etaient inconnue. A la fois des bandes terminales et subterminales etaient decouvert en Z . mays, Z. mays ssp. me-uicann et Z . mays ssp. pnr\iglumis var. huehue~enc~izgensis. A cause de nos resultats, et ceux d'autre chercheurs, le traitement taxonomic de Z . mays ssp. par\~i~lumi.s var., et de Z . diploperennis et son derive autotetraploid Z . perennis sont mis en question.