Zooplankton composition and spatial distribution were studied in The Gulf of Thermaikos (Aegean Sea, Greece), a shallow, semi-closed area which is subjected to urban and industrial pollution and receives freshwater from 4 large rivers. These features, combined with the hydrology of the Gulf, influence the zooplankton, which is characterized by spatial differentiation depending upon the time of year (December, May and September). Within the northern part of the Gulf, where there is considerable waste discharge, zooplankton is abundant and communities are characterized by dominance of opportunistic species. In contrast, the eastern region is strongly influenced by incoming water masses from the Aegean Sea and zooplankton communities presented a much more diversified and stable situation. The pattern of zooplankton distribution off the river deltas 1s more complex and depends greatly on season.The differentiation of the zooplankton comniunlties was quantified using non-metric multidimensional scaling and graphical descriptors.