“…However, there are many sources of error which require both careful system design and sophisticated data processing (Austin, 1987;Joss and Waldvogel, 1990;Yuter, 2002). We have to deal with beam shielding and the vertical profile of reflectivity (Joss and Waldvogel, 1990;Kitchen, 1995;Joss and Lee, 1995;Pellarin et al, 2002;German and Joss, 2002;Bellon et al, 2007), beam smoothing and post-detection integration (Zawadzki, 1982), variability in raindrop size distributions and related uncertainty in the relation between reflectivity and rain rate (Joss and Gori, 1978;Lee and Zawadzki, 2005), attenuation by water on the radome (Germann, 1999), attenuation in heavy rain and hail (Delrou et al, 2000), and overestimation in hail (Austin, 1987). Illingworth (2004) discusses to what extent polarimetric measurements can improve the accuracy of radar precipitation estimates, Friedrich et al (2007) investigate the sensitivity of polarimetric rainfall estimation to partial beam shielding, Gabella et al (2001) promote weighted multiple regression for radar-rain-gauge merging, Mittermaier et al (2004) use mesoscale model winds to correct wind-drift errors, and Wesson and Pegram (2006) propose using geostatistics for proper interpolation and extrapolation.…”