To date, electronics uses electron charge as a state variable which is often represented as voltage or current. In this representation of state variable in today's electronics, carriers in electronics devices work independently even to a few and single electron cases. As the scaling continues to reduce the feature size, power dissipation and variability become two major challenges among others as identified in ITRS. This paper presents the exposition that spintronics as a collective effect may be favorably used as state variables in the near future information processing beyond conventional electronics for room temperature. An example is presented to compare electronics and spintronics in terms of variability, quantum and thermal fluctuations. This example shows the benefit of scaling to smaller sizes in the case of spintronics (nanomagnetics), which will have a much reduced variability problem as compared with today's electronics. Finally, spin wave bus is used to illustrate the potential use as a state variable for logic application. Prototype logic devices using the spin wave bus concept have been demonstrated. The requirements and benchmarks for choosing a state variable are also discussed in terms of its interaction strength for the energy efficiency.
Spintronics for Information ProcessingThere has been increasing interest in considering spintronics as an alternate to today scaled CMOS for next generations of information processing beyond today's electronics. In the past, scaled CMOS, electron charge and its representations as e.g., voltage and current are used as a state variable for device to perform logic functions. Upon further scaling to the nanometer scale, the use of electron charge and its long-range growing strong Coulomb interactions resulted in two major problems: power dissipation per unit area and variability of the device. The first comes from the strong Coulomb interaction. It is shown that the minimal energy of a switch is kT In r; for n electrons, the energy required will be nkT In r if electrons work independently, where n is the number of electronics and r is the reliability factor, or reciprocal of the probability of failure. The variability comes from the result of independent electrons in the device; the scaling to small feature sizes makes the quantum fluctuation of electrons important. However, in spintronics, there are two scenarios: one is single spin case and the other the collection of interaction spins (with exchange interaction, which is the consequence of many-electron effect of Coulomb interaction). For the former, it will be similar to that of electronics. In this paper, we will focus on the case of correlated electron systems, e.g., ferromagnetism. We will show that there are advantages in energy and in variability when using correlated electrons, in particular, in the case that the correlated energy is higher than kT for room temperature applications.It may be this collective variable, which may become the Information carriers or the representation of the Information for be...