Red brownish p-phenylenediamine (PPD) has been widely used as one of the ingredients in hair dyes. The use by consumers of hair dye results in exposure of the hair, scalp skin, eyes, nail, and hands to PPD. PPD studies have found that women using dye with a formulation that included PPD suffered acute sensitive responses such as headaches, dizziness, and systemic anaphylaxis for the long time after using the product.1) And in patch tests, PPD caused erythema, rash, and a burning sensation on human skin. Furthermore, workers occupationally exposed to PPD in the field suffered from the bladder cancer.2,3) Previous studies have shown that PPD application induces injury to rat skin. 4,5) It is reported that PPD is metabolized to N-acetylated adducts as the major metabolites by N-acetyltransferase in human skin and liver, 6) and rats. 7) Moreover, it is reported that N-oxidation of arylamines like PPD occurs in the liver and is generally considered to involve cytochrome P450. 8) Furthermore, N-acetylated PPD metabolites are less toxic and they are excreted in urine.9) And, lipid peroxidation was increased while glutathione was decreased in skin by PPD application.5,10) In addition, PPD toxicity is increased by MnSOD polymorphism 11) while PPD toxicity is alleviated by thiol antioxidants.12) These reports suggest that production of ROS can be related to PPD skin toxicity. However, there are ongoing controversies whether PPD induced organ toxicity or whether it is safe in animal and clinical experiment. 13,14) It is well known that xenobiotic-induced tissue damage is related to reactive metabolites as well as produced reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide, hydroxyl radical, single oxygen and hydrogen peroxide under the metabolism. 15,16) Many studies have reported an imbalance between ROS generating systems and scavenging systems such as the increasing of ROS generating enzymes and/or decreasing of scavenging enzymes and nonenzymatic antioxidants. 17,18) It is accepted that xanthine oxidase (XO), one of the ROS generating systems, is increased in the injured cells.19) It has been revealed that inhibition of XO activity by allopurinol 20) or tungstate 21) alleviates experimental tissue damage. This indicates therefore a relationship of XO to skin cell injury, which suggests that the XO plays a role in the toxicity by the exposure of xenobiotics such as cosmetics and chemicals due to relatively higher XO activity in skin tissue compared with other tissues except liver and intestine. 19,22) It is reported that oxidized PPD, imine derivatives by hydrogen peroxide 23) could induce malignant and benign tumors in the mammary gland, uterus, and soft tissues of rats.24) Moreover, it is reported that XO could generate ROS such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide.25,26) So, we hypothesized hydrogen peroxide derived from the XO system in skin involved with PPD oxidation and produced oxidized PPD is associated with dermal tissue damage.It is well established that sodium tungstate has relatively lower toxicity than that o...