Abstract. As many large metropolitan areas have pledged for a rapid decrease of their greenhouse gas emissions through ambitious climate mitigation policies, the need for rapid and robust quantification methods became more pressing. At the global scale, the scarcity of satellite carbon dioxide (CO2) observations remains the major roadblock to producing independent city-scale CO2 emissions estimates from atmospheric data, except for a handful of cities benefiting from a dense network of ground-based CO2 sensors. In this study, we quantify the potential of assimilating indirect measurements from spaceborne sensors (here nitrogen dioxide – NO2) to constrain fossil fuel CO2 emissions, relying on the co-emission of these two species during combustion. We developed a modeling framework using a NOx-aerosol chemistry transport model (WRF-Chem) and performed simulations of NO2 and CO2 over the Middle-East, an area known for its large cities, its frequent clear sky conditions and a fairly constant albedo from its desertic land. We first demonstrate the importance of production/destruction processes impacting NO2 lifetime at short and long distances from the source, suggesting that simplified approaches may be impacted by large errors. In comparison to TROPOMI satellite observations, the simulated NO2 plumes from emissions inventories (EDGAR) revealed large misattribution of NO2 emissions at fine scales, hence an uncertain disaggregation of national emissions to single point sources in the industrial and energy sectors in the EDGAR inventory. We further studied the relationship between NO2 and CO2 during summer and winter seasons by simulating the enhancement ratios (δNO2:δXCO2) in plumes produced by cities and point sources We found that the enhancement ratios are consistent with the observed ratios derived from the ESA TROPOMI (NO2) and NASA OCO-3 missions (XCO2). We conclude here that the spatial misattribution of NO2 emissions parallels the misattribution of CO2 emissions, and that improved NO2 inventories could therefore be used to improve the monitoring of CO2 emissions at sub-national scales in current global inventories when a sufficiently-large amount of NO2 satellite measurements are available.