Objective: To validate the PhisioPlay software for proprioceptive evaluation of the shoulder joint based on the data obtained by isokinetic dynamometry equipment. Methods: Thirty-one individuals constituted a single group for proprioceptive evaluation of both shoulder joints by means of joint position sense (JPS). The testing protocol of PhisioPlay consisted of the abduction movement of the shoulder to the target angles of 45° and 90° and the maintenance of these positions for 30 seconds. In the isokinetic dynamometer, the test was performed using its proprioceptive evaluation protocol for the same movement, target angles, and maintenance time established for the previous test. Results: For the 90° variables, statistical analysis pointed to agreement for the dominant limb in relation to the mean angulation and the absolute difference and for the non-dominant limb in relation to the absolute difference. The results of mean comparisons of the absolute differences via the Wilcoxon Test corroborate the literature regarding the behavior of the JPS considering joint amplitude, lateral dominance, and greater or lesser torque affecting the joint. Reliability and sensitivity measures also strengthen the conclusions. Conclusion: The results point to the construct validity of the PhisioPlay software for evaluating the JPS of the shoulder joint at 45° and 90° and suggest that the JPS is more influenced by the angle of the joint during the motor task than by the lateral dominance.