Soil pH and electrical conductivity (EC) are two major chemical properties affecting nutrient availability and rice grain yield. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the variation of pH and EC in the topsoil layer (0-15 cm) of rice fields as affected by major water source used for rice cultivation, rice-based cropping system adopted and rice growing soil orders in different agro-climatic zones (ACZs) in Sri Lanka. A total of 998 soil samples were collected from lowland rice fields. Both pH and EC were measured in 1:5 soil: water extracts. The pH of soil samples was in the range of 3.0-7.7 with a mean value of 5.0. Moreover, 75% of the soil samples had pH values below the optimum range for rice cultivation (5.5-7.0). Values of pH observed in Dry Zone soils were higher (5.2) than those in Wet Zone (4.4). Soil EC values ranged between 1.0 - 3,100 μScm−1 with a mean value of 148.5 μScm−1. Soil EC was similar among climatic zones (P>0.05). Upcountry Intermediate zone recorded the highest soil EC than that in other ACZs (P<0.05). Moreover, 73%, 22%, 3%, 2% and 0.1% of soil samples recorded EC values in the ranges of less than 150 (non-saline), 150-400 (slightly saline), 400-800 (moderately saline), 800-2000 (highly saline) and more than 2000 (very highly saline) μScm−1, respectively. Considering micro (e.g. paddy track) and macro (e.g. ACZ) scale spatial heterogeneity in soil pH and EC, appropriate site-specific strategies need to be adopted to improve soil pH and EC to suit sustainable rice crop production.