High temperature and drought stresses may reduce quality in cool-season turfgrasses during summer months in the transition zone. This growth chamber study was conducted to evaluate effects of high temperature and drought on physiology and growth of 'Apollo' Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) (KBG), 'Dynasty' tall fescue (Festuca arundincea Schreb.) (TF), and 'Thermal Blue', a hybrid (HBG) between KBG and Texas bluegrass (Poa arachnifera Torr.). Turfgrasses were exposed for 48 days to supra-optimal (high temperature; 35/25 o C, 14-h day/10-h night) and optimal (control; 22/15 o C, 14-h day/10-h night) temperatures under well-watered (100% evapotranspiration [ET] replacement) and deficit (60% ET replacement) irrigation. Heat resistance was greater in HBG, which had greater visual quality, gross photosynthesis (Pg), dry matter production, and lower electrolyte leakage and soil-surface temperatures than KBG and TF under high temperature. Cumulative Pg during the study was 16% and 24% greater in HBG than in KBG and TF, respectively. Green leaf area index (LAI) in HBG was not affected by high temperature, but LAI was reduced by 29 % in KBG and 38% in TF. Differences in drought resistance were negligible among species. The combination of high temperature and drought caused rapid declines in visual quality and dry matter production, but HBG generally performed better. Results indicated greater heat resistance, but not drought resistance, in HBG than in KBG or TF.1 High temperature and drought stresses are significant problems in cool-season turfgrasses during summer months in the U.S. transition zone, which covers 480 to 1120 km north to south between the northern regions where cool-season grasses are adapted and the southern regions where warm-season grasses are adapted (Dunn and Diesburg, 2004). High temperature and drought stresses often occur simultaneously during summer months and may limit growth and cause a severe decline in the visual quality of cool-season turfgrasses (Perdomo et al., 1996;Bonos and Murphy, 1999;Jiang and Huang, 2000;Wang and Huang, 2004). Recent increases in competition for water have resulted in restrictions in water use for irrigation of turfgrasses (EIFG, 2004), which further exacerbates the problem of drought stress in cool-season turfgrasses. Predictions of higher temperatures from global warming also suggest that heat stress in cool-season turfgrasses may become more common in some regions, including the transition zone (National Assessment Synthesis Team, 2000).Hybrid bluegrasses (HBG), which are genetic crosses between native Texas bluegrass and KBG, may have greater heat and drought resistance than other cool-season grasses. Hybrid bluegrasses have similar visual qualities to KBG, which is a fine-textured, cool-season turfgrass commonly used in lawns and golf courses in the U.S. (Read et al., 1999;Turgeon, 2002).Consequently, new cultivars of HBG are being investigated as potential water-saving, heatresistant alternatives to current cool-season turfgrasses. Abraham et al. (...