The induction kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in dark-adapted barley leaves simultaneously with O2 evolution and thermal dissipation using photoacoustic spectroscopy. Significant correlations were revealed between these parameters at low and high (about 5%) C 0 2 concentrations and different irradiances. In general, four phases were resolved in the induction curves of chlorophyll fluorescence or PA signals modulated at 35 Hz (0,-dependent component) or 400 Hz (thermal dissipation). During the first 10-15 s after onset of actinic light, a high level of reduction of the primary quinone acceptor of photosystem I1 (Q,), a low magnitude of the 02-dependent photoacoustic signal, and a high level of heat production measured as the photoacoustic signal at 400 Hz were maintained. Further illumination led to a partial Q,-reoxidation, an increased rate of O2 evolution, and a decline in heat production owing to an increased energy storage at the level of the plastoquinone pool. At low CO, concentration, the steady-state level of all the above parameters was attained at the end of the first minute of illumination and remained unmodified after prolonged leaf irradiation. In contrast, the development of an additional slow peak followed by its dissipation was found for all parameters examined under high CO, concentration and strong irradiance. The position of the slow peak in the kinetics of the 0,-dependent photoacoustic signal preceded the corresponding peak of chlorophyll fluorescence measured under actinic light but coincided with the position of the peak in the kinetics of photochemical quenching. The position of the slow peak in the kinetics of thermal dissipation strictly corresponded to the one of chlorophyll fluorescence. A linear correlation was found between the magnitudes of the 02-dependent component of the photoacoustic signal and the extent of photochemical quenching.The results indicate that correlations in the kinetics and magnitudes of chlorophyll fluorescence, 0, evolution, and thermal dissipation are due at least in part to the dependence of the above parameters on the redox state of the acceptor side of photosystem 11. Resume : Les auteurs ont mesurC les cinCtiques d'induction de la fluorescence de la chlorophylle dans des feuilles d'orge adaptCes h I'obscuritC, simultanCment avec I'Cvolution du O2 et la dissipation thermique, h I'aide de la spectroscopie photoacoustique. Des corrClations significatives sont apparues entre ces paramttres avec des teneurs basses et ClevCes (environ 5%) en C 0 2 sous differentes irradiances. En gCnCral, quatre phases ont t t t rtsolues dans les courbes d'induction de la fluorescence de la chlorophylle ou les signaux PA modules j. 35 Hz (composante dtpendante de 1'0J ou h 400 Hz (dissipation thermique). Au cours des 10-15 s suivant le dkclenchement de la lumitre actinique, un niveau ClevC de rtduction Q,, une faible magnitude du signal photoacoustique dependant de 1'02, et un haut niveau de production de chaleur mesurCe sous forme de signal photoacoustique h ...