The reactor synthesis problem can simply be stated as follows: Given the reaction mechanism and kinetics, what is the optimum type and arrangement of the reactor(s) that would maximize product yield? Extensive studies for simple reaction systems (series, parallel, consecutive, etc.) using idealized plug flow and continuous stirred tank reactors have been presented in the literature. However, these studies fail to provide a systematic procedure for selecting the reactor(s) type and the arrangement for complex reaction schemes.In this paper simple rules with geometrical interpretations have been developed for synthesizing isothermal reactor configurations for complex reaction schemes. A computer program capable of specifying the optimum reactor structure from a generalized configuration has also been described.
SCOPEWhat is the optimum type(s), arrangement, and size of the reactods) that would maximize product yield for a given reaction mechanism? This is the essence of the reactor synthesis problem in the chemical process industry.Previous studies in the reaction engineering field have resulted in some guidelines for simple reactions. These rules and their limitations have been presented in this paper. However, these studies fail to provide a systematic procedure for selecting the reactor(s) type and the arrangement for complex reaction schemes.This paper is the first in a two-part series which attempts to classify reaction schemes into three basic types. Simple rules with geometrical interpretations have been presented for Type I1 reactions and a synthesis computer program has been described for Type 111 reactions. These rules are limited to isothermal reactor systems only. Non-isothermal studies will be presented in Part I1 of this paper.
CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCEIn this paper reaction schemes have been classified into three basic types based on the kinetic equations: Type I (simple reactions), and Types I1 and I11 (complex reactions).Simple rules for Type I reactions have been presented in this paper. These rules are based on previous studies by Denbigh (196l), Carberry (1966), and others. Rules have been derived for several serial reactor configurations for Type I1 reactions. Geometrical interpretations for these rules have been presented to provide an understanding of the mathematics involved. Fi-nally, for Type I11 reactions, a computer program has been discussed which is capable of specifying the reactor type(s), arrangement, and size for a given reaction mechanism.This work is significant in that it is the first attempt to develop rules for synthesizing reactor configurations for complex reaction schemes. It provides a methodology for specifying the optimum structure of the reactor system for complex reactions which would be necessary in the synthesis and development of chemical process flowsheets.The design of chemical Process reactors has been recognized for a 10% time as an important and difficult Problem, because in-Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Rakesh Govind process an...