Morphological skin colour change in fish is often referred to in the sole
context of background adaptation. It is becoming increasingly apparent that it
is a broad phenomenon elicited by a variety of factors. To date, no review has
attempted to integrate the different types of morphological colour changes
occurring in teleosts, their ecological origins and the regulatory mechanisms
involved, often restricting the view on the subject. First, the origin of skin
colour is addressed in teleosts including chromatophore type and distribution,
pigment biosynthetic pathways and their interactions to one-another. Second, the
different types of morphological colour changes occurring in teleosts are
categorized and a key distinction is made between proximate and ultimate
morphological colour changes. These are defined respectively as the change of
phenotype during an established life-stage in response to environmental
interactions and during the transition between two developmental-stages
phenotypically pre-adapted to their ancestral ecosystems. Nutrition and UV-light
are primary factors of proximate morphological colour changes beyond the control
of the organism. By contrast, background light conditions and social
interactions are secondary proximate factors acting through the control of the
organism. Highly diversified among teleosts, ultimate morphological skin colour
changes are presented in term of alterations in skin structure and pigment
deposition during metamorphosis in different species. Finally, the physiological
and endocrine mechanisms regulating both proximate and ultimate morphological
colour changes are reviewed