The structure of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is presen-ted in light of AFP membership and position in the albuminoid gene family in comparison to other gene family members. Ontogenetic AFP gene expression is reviewed considering AFP mRNA presence in various tissues at different times during development. The multiple molecular variant forms of AFP are discussed in relation to published reports of AFP binding proteins and cell surface receptors. The atlas further shows AFP as a protein consisting of multiple peptide-cassettes consisting of amino acid (AA) sequence stretches matched to peptide segments on prohormones and biological response modifier proteins. Such AFP peptide segments could potentially serve as delivery agents which could target vascular, neuroendocrine, or gastrointestinal cells. A discussion follows in which peptide epitopes, extracellular matrix proteins, serine proteases, extracellular matrix, and cellular adhesion AA identity sites on AFP are considered. The AFP molecule is also viewed as a carrier/ transport protein based on AA sequence comparison of various proteins that bind hydropho-bic ligands and heavy metals similar to AFP binding of such components. An analysis of trans-cription factors, tumor suppressors, and AA-rich motifs follows, interfaced with dimerization and nuclear localization sequence matches identified on the AFP molecule. Emphasis is further placed upon homeodomain and apoptosis AA sequence identi-ties given that AFP serves as a fetal, phasespecific protein throughout embryogenesis, histogenesis, and organogenesis. AFP AA sequences are further presented as peptide identification sites for
Mapping of Structure-Function Peptide Sites on the Human Alpha-fetoprotein Amino Acid SequenceMizejewski GJ Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2010; 14(2) 170 growth factors, receptors, cytoskeletal proteins, and chemo-kines. A closing discussion summarizes the multi-ple and varied motifs of peptide sequences matched to AAs on each of AFP's three domains. This study indicates that short peptide segments, in addition to full-length AFP, and domain and subdomain fragments of AFP, could be employed as functional agents to help unravel the complexity of biological roles ascribed to human AFP.