Antixenosis and antibiosis in the resistance of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to the melon thrips, Thrips palmi Karny, were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. Experiments were conducted for four moderately resistant genotypes ('Brunca', BH-130, EMP 486, and FEB 115) in comparison with one susceptible genotype (APN 18). Multiple-choice tests recorded most thrips on EMP 486 and least on FEB 115. Dual-choice tests conducted in both laboratory and field confirmed the antixenotic effect of FEB 115 and the attractant effect of EMP 486 on thrips. These results demonstrate the significance of antixenosis in the resistance of common beans to T. palmi. Life-table studies showed significant differences in egg duration, immature and adult survivorship, female body length and longevity, daily oviposition rate, and total fecundity among the bean genotypes. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) and its associated population parameters varied significantly with the bean genotype on which T. palmi cohorts were reared. Based on mean r(m) values, the five bean genotypes can be divided into two groups, with BH-130 and 'Brunca' being less favorable for the population growth of thrips than EMP 486 and FEB 115; the latter were comparable to the susceptible genotype APN 18. These life-table results indicate the role of antibiosis in enhancing the resistance of common beans to T. palmi.