Carabid beetles comprise a diverse and ubiquitous family of insects. Carabids are important in conservation biology and often have close associations with particular habitat types, making them useful biomonitoring organisms. Many carabids are also important biological control agents due to their predatory habits, but feeding habits within the family are quite diverse, and seed-eating or granivorous carabids can play an important role in shaping plant diversity and distributions. These qualities have particular relevance in the highly cultivated and fragmented landscape of the Midwestern U.S., and this region has become a very active one for carabid research in a variety of areas. In this paper, we review the state of carabid research in the Midwestern U.S., focusing on work published since the mid-1990s in carabid biogeography, conservation biology, biological control/pest management, feeding ecology and parasitism/health. Potentially productive directions for future research are discussed.