Sunmiary. Thermal conductivity coefficients have been determined for longitudinal and transverse flow in 4 varieties of fresh Citrus wood using steady state-method's.Equations were developed from which thermal conductivity could be rapidly estimated from moisture content or electrical conductivity. The heat balance of large and small tree trunks on a freezing night has been calculated on the basis of the coefficients.
Thermal Conductivity of Fuinctional Citruts TreeWood. Heat transfer of the woody stems of trees is chiefly by radiation, convection and conduction. Radiation loss is minimized by the insulating effect of the leafy crown, and convection assumes the dominant role only during the day because the transpiration stream flows most actively then (4); at night thermal conduction, though relatively small, is the principal mode of heat transfer. Although thermal conduction was correctly considered bv Raschke (18) to plav a minor role in the heat transfer of the plant, under the stress of nocturnal advection freezes and radiation frosts, this is not the case in subtropical plants which bear leaves and fruit during winter. The magnitude of thermal conduction in the wood, relative to its mass, is important in preventing frost damage to citrus trees (24). Therefore, we have determined longitudinal and transverse thermal coniductivity coefficients for 4 species of citrus and used these coefficients to analy)se the effects of freezing temperatures on 2 cm and 20 cm diameter trees. For this analysis we have used the weather parameters which existed in Weslaco, Texas, fronm Januarv 9 to 12, 1962 (32).Thermal conductivity coefficients (K) have been determined on about /70 species of dry woods (10,13,14,20). Across grain K for nearly dry woods, having about 12 % moisture, ranges from 0.1 to 0.S