To understand the behavior of unsaturated soil, considerable research has already been done. However, there is limited research to model the behavior of unsaturated soil in a generalized state boundary surface (SBS). SBS is the surface outside which a soil stress state can never exist. It is an envelope surface of all the possible soil stress paths in the p'-q-e space. To investigate the SBS of unsaturated soils, a series of triaxial compression tests were performed in this study under constant water content conditions using a doublecell triaxial test apparatus. The samples were prepared with 80%, 83%, and 86% degrees of compaction and water contents of 20% (Optimum water content) and 25%. All the soil specimens were consolidated isotropically under 500kPa confining pressure before being sheared with a constant void ratio under monotonic loading. The results show that constant void ratio tests depict contour-like lines, which can help in defining the SBS of unsaturated soil.