Response to issues raised in the preceding communication related to models of voltammetry of adsorbed species.Keywords: Voltammetry, Charge transfer, Adsorbed species, ModelsIn a recent communication [1] Lang and Horanyi discussed some questions which they believe were not answered satisfactorily in two recent reviews of the voltammetry of adsorbed molecules by Honeychurch and Rechnitz which dealt with reversible [2] and irreversible reactions [3]. It was suggested that the description of the electrode reaction given in the reviews is in con¯ict with the IUPAC de®nition of an electrode reaction. Both reviews began with a generalized stoichiometry in which an ideal redox adsorbate, Ox, with charge z O , is reduced and Red is subsequently oxidized on the reverse sweepWhen irreversible reactions were discussed in part 2 of the review different formal potentials were given for the anodic and cathodic reactions since it is generally observed that a ®nite peak separation exists even under reversible conditions. This reversible peak separation needs to be subtracted from the absolute peak separation when determining the rate constant [4]. Whether or not it is appropriate to take this pragmatic approach will be discussed elsewhere [5,6]. Equation 1 represents a general``ideal'' equation which we used to introduce adsorption voltammetry before discussing`n onideal'' systems. It was our aim to begin with the simplest case before discussing more sophisticated models. By de®nition our ideal case did not include reactions with counter ions, e.g., ion pairing, and therefore they are not included in Equation 1 but we believe that most, if not all, readers would have assumed that charge balance would nonetheless be maintained. Charge balance is maintained by movement of counter ions from the solution phase into and out of the interface as discussed by Lang and Horanyi in their communication [1].Lang and Horanyi have discussed the reduction of an adsorbed quinone as an example of a reaction which re¯ects the physical reality because all reacting species are indicated and charge balance exists. This seems to imply that if an additional chemical step is not included, and hence charge balance maintained in the stoichiometry, that it is not possible to write an equation that re¯ects the physical reality. The reduction of an adsorbed quinone in their example requires protons to be transported from the bulk but does not however preclude a¯ow of counter ions into or out of the interface. For example in the quinone experiment described [7], the hydrogen ion concentration was signi®cantly less than the supporting electrolyte concentration. The movement of protons into the interface will be primarily determined by the concentration gradient i.e. diffusion, whereas the transport of charge will be primarily due to the inert counter ions that are present; counter ions that do not appear in the reaction scheme. The example given is therefore not signi®cantly different to the one given at the beginning of our reviews in so far as both r...